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Nutrela 100% Vegetarian Soya Chunks 200gm packet
In Stock
Payment. Payment upon receipt of goods, Payment by card in the department, Google Pay, Online card, -5% discount in case of payment
Warranty. The Consumer Protection Act does not provide for the return of this product of proper quality.
Description : Nutrela Soya Chunks are made from soy flour and contain immunity building nutrients, protein, iron and zinc. They are rich in dietary fibre and strengthens your immunity and are also very easy to prepare and make tasty dishes.
Country of Origin : India
Ingredients : Soybeans.
Manufacturer Name : BAIT AL TAMUR CO
Manufacturer Address : BAIT AL TAMUR CO, E-42, APMC MARKET-1, PHASE-II, TURBHE, NAVI MUMBAI-400705
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